If you follow our social media, you will know that this time last year we teamed up with Angie Mead King AKA car Porn Racing who are based in Manila and to say Angie built something special is a bit of an understatement, she basically took a 991.1 GT3RS base car and applied our R16 wide body that is manufactured for the none turbo wide body chassis like the basic GT3, C4S etc, so to pull this off shows the skill set this company has, it’s a pretty special company who take on build like this on a weekly basis.

If you follow Angie on YouTube you will know she crashed her pride and joy Porsche 991.2 GT2RS and damaged the body work pretty badly and although she has looked at rebuilding the car to factory spec, that has now changed, the new look for this car will be an all dry carbon fibre factory R19 GT3R wide body aero conversion and boy oh boy are we excited, as not only are we supplying the aero kit but we will be privy to all the inside build updates as they happen.
This is going to be one of the most unique Porsche builds globally and although Porsche have built an immense race car, Angie’s will not only be a track breathing monster, but a street legal one too, imagine the world first R19 GT3R built for the street, what’s not to love, we will keep you posted when the kit has been shipped.