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This spoiler looks so good fitted we feel it needs its own post, its a new addition that we have wanted to do for so. We have been putting together or supplying our 997 GT3 R parts for quite a while now as well as building our own cars for customers and 2023 is a big year for us with the 997 platform, as we have not one but two R13 LS7 V8 builds in development, both based on the rather amazing C4S, this is the chassis in particular that will becaome the base car we will use for all of our R13 wide body builds with LSX Performance builds.


Every 997 that wears our kit wears a R13 race wing, and that’s a superb look, we absolutely love that look and its one that is in the programme as long as customers want it, but when we work with Speedwells on the Turbo-R, he didn’t want that race wing set up, he wanted a GT wing and we have to say it looked amazing, in fact that particular build went through a couple of GT engine covers and although they were both beautiful they still wasn’t what we were looking for, we wanted that old 997 Gemballa Avalanche style cover with the side intakes and high wing.

Our engine cover side air intakes will become functional on some builds as they do like to take in huge amounts of air so it would be silly not to utilise them, our engine cover vent system will use the C4S style grill and the wing will be Height adjustable to a point, and the beauty of this wing is you can use on a narrow or wide body so will be available for the 991.1 & 991.2 chassis.

Cover is now ready for production so get in touch for more details


This build has been a while in the making, but Matt has been working under the radar with Pav AKA Pure customs, to say they have built something special is a bit of an understatement.

We first got to know Matt by working with him on his Porsche 997 Project, Many of you will know the Old & New slant nose with the Rothmans livery, and contrary to popular belief that the build was the complete brainchild of Matt Clifford, in our humble opinion he didn’t get the credit he deserved for that build, He may not Have put the kit on and he may not have painted it, but the building of that 997 and every detail in that build, which came after he saw we were the importer at the time for the Old & New product and after a discussion with a mutual friend the Kyza, who decided to draw up Matts vision, the rest, as they say, is history and since that day we have become good friends.

Porsche Cayman Carbon Fibre Wide Body

As we have come to know Matt over the last few years, we seen first-hand that he is a stickler for the attention to detail, and he has carried this through every build, you can just tell he thinks meticulously about each build and the finished look and there is no doubt this car in its build one stage is pretty special, his wheel, suspension and spoiler choice just made the stock Cayman look pretty boring, but Matt had taken the Cayman as far as he could with this look, air suspension, re-barrelled 19” O.Z 5 spoke Futura’s to make them super wide and super aggressive and certainly the widest set up we have seen on a stock body 981, but as Matt was privy to what we had been up to over the last couple of years and a couple of things we had been working on and getting into manufacturing process caught his eye, he had the countries best looking 981 Cayman’s, “well if there is a better one we would love to see it” and he fell in love with our RSR wide body aero pack that we had brought to market, one of our first aero kits went to Japan which you can read about in an earlier blog but that was modified and fitted to a Cayman718 chassis, but that build got Matts creative juices flowing as he knew his ideas with our aero kit had to be built and the kit was put into production.

Whilst the kit was being made Matt made the first addition to his new build, and what a start finding a pair of carbon seats that originally sat in a McLaren SLR these raw carbon seats which he scooped up for a very small fee, we would say the bargain of the decade, but it wasn’t long before they were all trimmed and fitted in the Cayman and they look factory as they just integrate into the interior so well.


With the aero pack manufactured and delivered it didn’t take long for Matt and Pav AKA Pure Customs to get stuck in with the build, mounting and mocking the kit up before sending it out for paint or in Matts case the clear coat with a hint of black to match the main body of the car, it’s something you have to see up-close and personal to appreciate the quality of the work Greg Howell gets full credit for bringing the raw carbon to life, the finish breath-taking in person.

With the kit in Greg’s hands, Matt and Pav turned their attention to the wheels, as with this kit the Futura wheels needed a bit of help, Matt did toy with the idea of changing the wheels, but most wheel manufacturers these days are not interested in anything but selling volume, and as Matt said why fix something that isn’t broken and the famous and sought after O.Z Futura would be one hard act to follow so with new outer lips sourced they we sent to the extremely talented Mr. Carbon AKA, C6Carbon, who set to work on applying his skill set and carbon to the outer lips and they look incredible and just add another bit of meticulous detail to this build, as we have already said every detail of this build is so well thought out, then executed to perfection.


Matt will have the car on display at Ultimate Dubs Uk, so you can get to view the car in person. We are very proud of what Matt has achieved with his vision, we have always said there are levels to the aftermarket tuning industry and Matt is very much at the top in the Uk, he has set the bar level extremely high, which is a joy to be involved with, as always we love working with Matt and we have already had discussions on what the future holds for our continued collaborations and they just get even crazier, but that’s for another time,

For now, enjoy the Photoshoot from Shout about it Media which is Matts's main business, yep that’s right he’s a badass photographer too and a man for hire, so if you like what you see give him a shout, we promise you will not be disappointed, the gallery of his work speaks volumes, go light up the internet Matt


2023 has start off as a very busy period for us and it is about to get a lot busier as we get stuck into not one but two Porsche 997 builds, these have been in the planning stage for the last 12 months as we have been deciding what parts we want to use moving forward as these builds will be offered as a drive in drive conversion for 2023 and moving forward.

This whole planning process started midway through 2021 when our old friend Kyle Rushall got in touch with us about our R13 GT3R wide body aero programme that he was considering fitting to his Porsche 997.1 Turbo after seeing the rather special Speedwells 997 Turbo-R build, Kyle just said he had to have one and he had the perfect donor, a 2007 997 Mezger Powered twin turbo, there are not many people willing to cut up a 997 Turbo chassis, especially the Mezger powered version, Iby is just a one off and pretty much cut from the same cloth as we are so tearing into a 50k turbo comes naturally, Kyle is basically cut from the same cloth as us especially when he gets to build and drive the car he wants but it wasn't long before we got talking about LS V8 engine swaps as that's what Kyle is involved in every day of the week, building LS engines and installs, as well as building and supplying his own LS7 Engines, no crate engines everyone is a built engine, and his LS7 build V8 is a little bit special, so as our cogs started turning it wasn't long before his beloved 997 Turbo & 996 Turbo were sold and we said hello to not only his but our own 2006 C4S platforms that we will use for our LS7 power upgrades, we are very excited with what we have planned for both of these 4S chassis along with the parts and companies that will we be working with to bring our vision to the UK streets.


GT RS-Street Engine Cover & Rear Wing


Every build will wear our R13 GT3R signature wider body, there will be a huge amount of options for our street builds, the customer can spec their own builds, all of the optional extras are listed on our website and we will also be introducing an all new standalone website for the conversion which will show every part of the build, so keep your eyes peeled for the all new R13LSX website, but if you are not familiar with the aero pack and what it consists of here is what is included along with the various options.

Porsche 997 R13 Aero Pack Front Bumper, front bumper canards, front replacement vented fenders, front splitter, front floor, side skirts, rear quarter panels, rear bumper, rear bumper out take grills, rear diffuser full floor with strakes, front and rear bumper aluminium grill sets Optional Extras Choice of rear engine cover, 1, ducktail, 2, GT steet, 3, swan neck race spoiler, 4, R13 GT3R race wing, carbon roof replacement, light weight carbon doors, kevlar arch liners, brake cooling channels, flat under floor

As well as working on four rear engine covers and wing assemblies for street and track use, there are a couple of items we are making that really do excit us, the first one which is a personal favourite is our GT RS Street engine cover and low set wing, which is loosely based around the old 993 GT2 Evolution engine cover which will have side functional air vents with a low style carbon wing that will be adjustable for height with wing extenders, we will also look to develop special air intake for this rear cover which will be another exciting feature for the future developments and that’s why this set up is quite exciting.

Another exciting part will be our R16 evo front bootlid, we have yet to see a nice bootlid option, which doesnt exist, and if it doesnt exsist you have to make one, both items will be a great addition for the R13 GT3R wide body styling.


Another area which has been a big discussion is the suspension, our main focus is to have a useable street set up that can be used daily just like the Speedwells built Turbo-R, street usability is paramount.

For the original Speedwells Turbo-R build we teamed up with Bilstein who built us a fantastic bespoke set up, the car drove beautifully it really did the job and we were happy to team up with them again on all of our new builds for this conversion only to be told Bilstein UK do not have the time to work on special projects at the moment due to a huge backlog of work, so unless we had a spare 9 months to wait that’s how long it would take to get a system built for the R13 LS7 street, which was never going to be an option for us, but as they say thing happen for a reason and that reason is Nitron Uk, which is a huge plus for us and they will be making us a complete bespoke custom set up based on their amazing product they already produce for Porsche, it’s one partnership we are really happy about and we cannot wait to test the NTR –R1 built to our R13 Specification, this was one area we had a bit of concern with especially with the relatively low options for this build, but we are happy Nitron UK are joining the high quality list of companies we have onboard with this build.

For the wheels we will run our usual 3 piece Forged 10.5x19 & 13x19 set up fitted with 265/35R19 and 345/30R19 Michelin tyres, for the wheels we will be working with 3SDM and we must say we are really excited to work with a long established UK 3 piece forged wheel company, for this product its only worth getting involved with the industries finest and the quality 3SDM bring to the table is priceless, the added bonus is they are UK based, so not only do we get the high quality standards, they are home grown. We will have two of our own designs as well as two designs from the 3 piece line up that are currently available from the 3SDM line up, with this option we get 4 special designs to choose from, which is more than enough to suit most people’s taste, but as wheels are a personal choice we will be happy to work with customer needs and personal prefrences when it comes to the design.

13X19 GT3R-RS Forged Wheel

Another area we will be developing and offering a full overhaul to the customers that are after the complete package will be the interior, the 997 is a lovely place to sit, but can be enhanced and made even better, the first enhancement for our own builds will be the seats, most Porsche owners are happy with carbon backed Recaros, but not for our builds, we will be working closely with the FIA Approved super light weight carbon fibre race seat manufacturer Tilletts seat design will depend on if you require seat belt harness or the conventional seatbelt set up, on our own demo vehciles we want it completely street useable so will be fitting the B8 Screamer, so we can run the conventional seat belt, for the rest of the interior we are hopeing to be work with a well renowned interior specialist that is currently working for Rolls Royce, but once we have secured his services we will be able to talk more on that subject.

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