Over the last few months we have been updating our wheel range, with some brands being deleted and some all new additions to the VAD line up, so we are pretty excited to be added some great wheel brands from Japan.
Over that last 20 years of VAD selling wheels we have always sold Japanese wheel brands, namely down to quality of the product, wheel designs and above all loyalty, have all played a big part for our continued successful relationships, with the added bonus that every Japanese wheel we sell has the worldwide recognised VIA test approval, with the JWL & JAL japan's test also applied to every wheel, so they are brands we can sell with confidence.
New to our line up for 2017 are the Enkei Japan wheel range, we are offering the cast, flow form and forged line up, as well as the 2 & 3 piece wheels they manufacture, like the Rocket Bunny 6666 old school mesh wheel design that we love and adore.

Enkei Rocket Bunny 2 Piece 6666
Please feel free to brows through the range, vaddesign.com/enkeiwheelsjapan and email or contact the the team for pricing and lead time on this sought after brand.