It has been a while for our Z4 V8 build to come together, it seems so long ago since we put it out there to the world that we were going to build our own version on the BMW Z4 GT3 bat mobile, but with internal issues within the company at the end of 2014 and a pretty hectic schedule ever since, along with moving premises the time just hasn’t been right, but we decided at the end of 2016 to pull our finger out and put our own build to the front of the queue, the added bonus was our friends over at Dynotorque finally getting their own huge workload out the door, so this was our moment, and our Z4 Emerald over the festive period and into the new year, it wasn’t until the end of February until we were able to take up residence on the main Dynotorque ramp, so the work could commence with surgery of the engine, suspension and brake set up.
The iDrive system of the Z4 caused a few issues with the emerald boys, but nothing they couldn’t handle, it was just a very time consuming process and as they are a methodical bunch, it took a little longer than expected, but we were in no rush… it gets done when it gets done, but a little reminder that it’s not just the engine install you have to consider when building a car like this, but a whole host of other areas that will need attention.

Standard BMW Z4 (N52B25) Engine
Craig has wasted little time in removing the stock 2.5ltr engine, just before this happened a photo was taken of the stock N52B25 engine in situ, with this removed and a dummy LS3 fitted so fabrication of the engine and gearbox mounts could be set into place, and as the photo shows, there is so much more room for the 6.3ltr LS3 V8 to live and breathe, than there is with the original 2.5ltr (N52B25)
More updates will follow as we progress through the build, we just need to contain our excitement first.
BMW Z4 (E89) 6.3 LS3 V8 Conversion